Initiative core activities

The research activities of the consortium are outlined here to encourage and enhance collaboration and avoid duplication of research.

The Australian Amphibian and Reptile Genomics Initiative has three core programs supported by a dedicated working group. Across these three programs, we are currently contributing to different research projects. Please see the program pages for more details of their activities:

  1. Comparative Genomics and Evolution Program: Develop well-assembled reference genomes for selected Australian reptiles and amphibians to provide a broad genomics resource and support comparative genomics and evolution studies.
  2. Phylogenomics Program: Generate a comprehensive phylogenetic framework for Australian reptiles and amphibians
  3. Taxonomy and Conservation Genomics Program: Build reference genomic datasets for priority threatened species and support the taxonomic resolution of Australian amphibian and reptile species.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact us.

The AusARG initiative is national and inclusive. Its governance group are composed of members with expertise on each of the programs of activity. You can find here how AusARG deals with potential conflict of interest. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the AUsARG initiative, please contact the Project Manager.